Tag Archives: purpose

[from now]

could have been something you thought of,

could be deja-vu.

finally, it took so fast

getting it all out of you. ~

good morning stretch


Hands in clasp, I swooped forward; bending in with mellow breath.

Easing up,

I urged my body to let go.

My back opened;

I sought the strength of my center as I unpacked the heaviness from my posture.

Things cracked as they will. Aches echoed, chills seized even as I unassembled the depression.

But unbelting every sandbag of what weighs over me, undid much of the pain I’d forgotten. And so this lift of my hands meant much more than a new day.

I stood up to welcome a life which would only carry as much as it could. Any and all else hanging from limbs remained for the sake of my deepest desires.


game trails to hidden treasure.

one hand to hold the sun,

for relief; then measure and give the news.

another move:

this is going to be the last time, she said,

but she couldn’t admit the truth-

and we kept going.~